We offer almost any type of decoration to make your products pop. Have fun mix-and-matching treatments to give your imprints a three-dimensional quality.

Screen Printing
Your artwork is split into layers by color and each colors image is printed on transparent film. The film positives are put in contact with silk screens (1 screen per color) that are treated with a light-sensitive emulsion then and exposed to light. This hardens the emulsion not covered by film and leaves a soft area on the screen for the squeegee to press ink thru. The image is then transferred to the garments surface when ink is pressed through the stenciled screen.
Stitching a design into fabric through the use of high-speed, computer-controlled sewing machines. Artwork must first be "digitized", which is the specialized process of converting two dimensional artwork into stitches or thread. A particular format of art such as a jpeg, tif, eps, or bmp, cannot be converted into embroidery tape. The digitizer must actually re-create the artwork using stitches.

Ornamental needlework in which pieces of fabric are sewn or adhered onto your garment to add contrasting color and texture.
The dye transfer process where the image consists of a colored dye permanently embedded into the material surface. Most commonly used to imprint full color photographs or print over seams. Little photo and artwork editing is needed and larger imprint areas can be achieved, but are generally restricted to polyester or polyester blend WHITE garments.

Applying shiny, metallic, and/or patterned foil to all or parts of an imprint for an eye-catching reflective appearance. There are 39 different foils to choose from. A matching metallic ink is typically used as a base under foil so no matter how many washes your design stays true to it's original intent.
Metallic Ink
Pantone bucket inks that contain a metallic fleck giving a soft highlighted look. Most commonly done in gold and silver, there is also a range of orange, pink, purple, blue, and green colors to choose from. PMS 871-877, 8003-8321.

Flocking is the process of depositing many small fiber particles (called flock) onto an imprint to add a velour or grassy texture.
Diamond or crystal-like gems with one flat side that are adhered using a heat press in a pattern of your choosing. Can be used as an accent to your design, or as the main focus. Stones come in varying sizes and colors.

A negative overlay on your artwork that removes part of your design to show the color of the shirt for an aged or worn feel. Common distreses are cracked paint, chalk, speckles, and repeating patterns. Most commonly in screen printing.
A powdery glitter ink additive for the sugary glitter texture on top of your screened imprint. Comes in a variety of colors, most common is yellow, clear, and white.